** Written by Marlina Sara (CEPG #54)
The Penang CHOICE New Year 2011 celebration dinner was held recently at the Little Cottage 2 restaurant in Penang. Close to 100 CHOICEes attended this event, most of whom brought their family members as well.

The guest of honour for that night was the Bishop of Penang, Bishop Anthony Selvanayagam, Father Dominic Santhiyagu, the CHOICE priest & Fr Gerard Theraviam. Initially Bishop couldn’t make it for the dinner, but he came to the dinner and surprised us all.

The dinner began with a welcoming speech by the Penang CHOICE Coordinator 1, Elizabeth Anthony & followed by the Bishop, and he blessed the food before the dinner was served.

There were lots of lucky draws & almost everyone won something. There were gift exchanges as well; where everyone who attended came with a gift and then it was later exchanged in a very unique way, by narrating a story. We also took this opportunity to celebrate birthdays of all those born in the month of Jnuary; Fr Dominic is one of them, who cut the cake together with a few others. The dinner ended about 10.30 pm, with everyone carrying a gift home.

The next English CHOICE Weekend will be on 20-22 May 2011 & the Mandarin CHOICE Weekend will be held on 5-7 August 2011. Calling all single young adults to join and experience a fulfilling weekend; please email ann_eliz1@yahoo.com.my

The Penang CHOICE New Year 2011 celebration dinner was held recently at the Little Cottage 2 restaurant in Penang. Close to 100 CHOICEes attended this event, most of whom brought their family members as well.
The guest of honour for that night was the Bishop of Penang, Bishop Anthony Selvanayagam, Father Dominic Santhiyagu, the CHOICE priest & Fr Gerard Theraviam. Initially Bishop couldn’t make it for the dinner, but he came to the dinner and surprised us all.
The dinner began with a welcoming speech by the Penang CHOICE Coordinator 1, Elizabeth Anthony & followed by the Bishop, and he blessed the food before the dinner was served.
There were lots of lucky draws & almost everyone won something. There were gift exchanges as well; where everyone who attended came with a gift and then it was later exchanged in a very unique way, by narrating a story. We also took this opportunity to celebrate birthdays of all those born in the month of Jnuary; Fr Dominic is one of them, who cut the cake together with a few others. The dinner ended about 10.30 pm, with everyone carrying a gift home.
The next English CHOICE Weekend will be on 20-22 May 2011 & the Mandarin CHOICE Weekend will be held on 5-7 August 2011. Calling all single young adults to join and experience a fulfilling weekend; please email ann_eliz1@yahoo.com.my