CHOICE National Conference Malaysia was held in Kuching this year at St.Lukas Centre. This place is known to be the venue for CHOICE Kuching weekends, as we are able to see familiar posters around the facility regarding to CHOICE weekend. About 20 odd CHOICEes from Penang (both English and Tamil group) flew to Kuching for this conference. It was quite an exciting trip. :)
dorm, hall and dinner hall of St.Lukas
The conference was chaired by CHOICE Penang and there were a good number of observers from CHOICE Penang, KL, Kuching, Miri, Perak, Melaka-Johor. Turn out was a lil less than last years but yet a good number as well. We made friends and caught up with other CHOICEes as well, and also to exchange experiences, ideas for each group.

group pic
We headed to St. Joseph's Cathedral for evening mass and it was a wonderful church. it was my first time there and my jaw dropped at least for a few seconds. i'm sure if u were there the first time, u'd feel the same way too. Fr. Simon and Fr. Dominic was 2 of the CHOICE priests to celebrate mass that evening. We even had our CHOICEes to be lectors for the readings.

after Mass, we headed to Penview Hotel at their Chinese restaurant for our fellowship dinner. Food was lovely and the company too! each state performed a dance or action song and everyone enjoyed it! in the end everyone joined in and danced all together!

the last day of the conference was bitter sweet, it was time to say good-bye to old and new friends and time for sight-seeing around Kuching! :) we're glad that a few of Kuching CHOICEes brought us around, to eat the famous kolo mee, Kuching laksa. we even went to the Kuching Cultural Village, that was very interesting. coming home to Penang was hard, as we had such great time in Kuching.
Thank you very much to CHOICE Kuching for being such great hosts to us. You were lovely! and we do hope we meet again! God Bless!

arrived Penang safely
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